The System Seminar Reunion Complete Audio Recordings
5 reviews for The System Seminar Reunion Complete Audio Recordings
The System Seminar Reunion Agenda
CDs 1 and 2. Ken McCarthy – Hard won lessons of a master marketer
In the first two CDs, I go deep into the direct response fundamentals
Greg Renker, who partner in a $1 billion+ a year enterprise, says: “We should also spend at least two hours a day reminding ourselves of the fundamentals.”
CD – 3. Drayton Bird on copywriting
David Ogilvy’s favorite direct response expert talks about the unusual life lessons that led him to becoming one of the most widely respected copywriters in the world.
CD – 4. How to beat Goliath
One of the most unusual sessions you will ever hear at a marketing seminar in your life.
How two activists used System Seminar principles to win two different David & Goliath battles against all odds versus opponents with tens of millions of dollars and thousands of employees stacked up against them in a fight to the death.
I’ve never advertised this before, but one of the things I do when I’m not revolutionizing the Internet marketing world is coach activists pro bono who have good causes and are facing impossible odds. These are my two greatest success stories: Sandy Rosenthal and Sam Pratt
CD – 5. The “how to use books to make lots of money” Mastermind Session
* Glenn Livingston
How to get your book to the top of Amazon’s picks for your category PERMANENTLY and build a successful
* Rob Skrob
How to turn a $1,200 ad buy on Amazon’s new ad platform into $60,000 in billings – and sell a bunch of books in the process *
* Ben Settle
How to use Amazon to recruit and indoctrinate raving fans who stick with you for life and buy everything you offer them
CD – 6. A sales formula so good it made two grown copywriters weep
Dave Dee is one of the foremost experts on selling from the stage.
When he finished his talk of the methods he uses to sell $100,000 and up from the stage on one clip, the two top copywriters in the room looked at each other in awe. On exclaimed: “Wow! He just laid out the best formula for writing a sales letter I’ve ever heard!”
CD – 7. “Show and tell” from three super grads
* Dave Rothwell
A case study on how he helped a client with boring “meat and potatoes” business with a highly perishable commodity more than 10x his business with AdWords.
* Jon Keel
Before Google AdWords, Jon Keel used Overture (then called GoTo) to pioneer pretty much darn near every pay-per-click strategy people use today. What’s he doing 20 years after he started one of the first Internet traffic agencies? Smart stuff of course. A unique way to work with clients who want more business via the Internet
* Andy Greene
Can you cut leads costs 20%, 30%, 50% and even 90%? Yes you can. How Andy did it for one client who sells a super high-ticket item
CD – 8. Just Sell the Damn Thing!
Serial entrepreneur, top gun copywriter and direct response gunslinger Doberman Dan shows why the old “give it away free” model no longer works on the Internet and what to do instead. Dan was the foremost protégé of Gary Halbert and practically channels the Master in this talk.
CD – 9. Everything you know about Facebook wrong
Here’s the name of the super resource that we didn’t put in our ads for the seminar because it’s too valuable to share: Steve Fantasia.
Steve doesn’t write books, he doesn’t do podcasts, and he doesn’t appear at seminars. He just stays at home and runs millions of dollars per month in Facebook ads for a wide variety of clients.
Everything you know about Facebook is wrong. If you know what you’re doing, your ads should never be rejected, your account should never be cancelled and you should be able to scale successful campaigns 2x, 5x, 10x, even 100x with reduced leads costs. Steve has a direct line to Facebook HQ, is 100% white hat and just might be the most skilled Facebook ad strategist on the planet. No theories. Just draw dropping results.
CD – 10. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Before the Reunion I did a survey of top Internet gurus and asked them what they knew about using new Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies to hyper-target ad buys and get a much bigger bang for your ad buck.
Their answer? “What?” They knew NOTHING.
Amazing, but I guess that what the System Seminar is for and why I had to come out of retirement for the second time to move the state-of-the-art forward. Be prepared to have your mind blown with a glimpse at the future of online advertising – exclusive to the System Seminar and available nowhere else at any price.
Produced by TheSystemClub.com
The Internet’s oldest – and still the best – private mastermind and training group
David Morgan –
Thoughts on the System Seminar 2018:
I have been online marketing since 2004 and won my first smartphone from Google for having the highest adwords clickthrough rate in the world (30%). One which will now never be beaten I guess. So I have been around the hills, trees and bushes a bit.
I have also been running businesses for 28 years. So I know a bit about not wasting money. I was a little hesitant about doing the latest System Seminar, as ever. I eventually booked a place in a response to Ken’s copy about the new AI opportunities. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that a potential paradigm shift like that would pay for a flight to Chicago, when you are already spending $5000 per day on ads.
I can only say that I feel like kicking my penny-pinching Scottish buttock (the other one is free-spending English) for hesitating, because Ken has always delivered and really did again this week.
Even the initial recap of the fundamentals over the first couple of hours was worth the trip, because you can never revise those too much. But then we got into a series of presentations and discussions over the next 24 hours that presented a lot of great new stuff, as well as a few fireside chats around some golden coals.
As a marketer in a competitive space I rather liked the fact that the seats were limited. But, as a human being, I cannot recommend listening in too highly. It was great. Of course my Scottish half is just hoping Ken will not sell them for a cent less than we paid to attend.
Dar Dixon –
It’s Dar Dixon.
I’ve worked in the entertainment industry for almost 30 years.
Acting, Directing, Producing, Writing.
I discovered DRM after destroying yet another business, needlessly – not a Hollywood business…a small print n copy shop…didn’t know the business, but applied DRM and quadrupled the business in 18 months.
Without the internet – old skool…via the mail.
Found you about 11 years ago…saw your knowledge & application of DRM to the internet…your prescience for trends online…and your intelligent, reserved, low key approach.
I was smitten.
Wonderful seminar. Well paced. Excellent presentation. Plenty of breaks, so as to allow the info to be absorbed more resourcefully.
Understated, no hype, no bullshit, practical, pragmatic, “where the rubber meets the road” wisdom.
A breath of fresh air, in a sea of sewer gas.
The recordings are easily worth more than any 10 guru (or any other alleged “expert”) seminars, combined.
And I’m almost certain the price to the general public will be much less than the combined total of 10 guru seminars.
Which is indicative of Ken McCarthy’s integrity, wisdom, information, counsel, character & knowledge.
You’d be lucky to grab them while they’re available.
David Rothwell –
At the System Reunion I learned some very important new areas I was unaware of, particularity in Amazon and Facebook.
As ever, Ken reminded us of the basic and absolutely critical fundamentals of business, going much wider and deeper than just the online side of things.
Since 2007 for me, Ken has been the most reliable and consistent source of trustworthy fundamental and advanced business practices that I know, both online and offline.
You should attend any Ken McCarthy event at all costs. He rarely does them now so if you never get the chance again, then getting the recordings of the last one and exploring membership of The System Club is the next best thing.I
Edward Parry –
Thank you for a great event Ken
It was a pleasure to meet you – the stuff I learned from you and the other speakers was worth more than literally hundreds of flights from London to Chicago.
Sounds hyperbolic but no exaggeration!
All the best
Andrew Kaplan –
As a marketing and sales consultant, I’m very grateful to have attended the System Seminar Reunion.
While Ken began the event with rock solid fundamentals, he soon pulled in a number of speakers from all different areas of business to provide their favorite ways of leveling up their own revenue and business processes. While it was all valuable and interesting, my favorite and most useful part was without a doubt the section on marketing books on Amazon and getting the most bang for your buck on their advertising platform, along with Dave Dee’s brilliant presentation on selling one-to-many.
The final day’s strategies on tackling Facebook were also great. My hand hurt all day from all the notes I was taking, and I still couldn’t keep up, which is why I ordered the recordings straight away.
This is an event you’re going to want to listen to multiple times and glean new info from on each listen.